plant a seed! free the weed!
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Smokin Joe's
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18 and over
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The view's here are not necessarily those of the domain,sponsors,or anybody else and they do not advocate the use of any drug's or political views expressed here.

warning: drug's can fry your brain, stunt your growth &get you high, so just stay cool and don't do anything stupid.


If you could smoke a joint an the comfort of your own home , without breaking the law ?

The truth is out,and it's just a matter of time before we the people ,
change the laws to reflect what society find acceptable.

You can help free the weed!!
get involved :send email,letters,phone,become a politician start a club,join a club,organize,just free the weed.

put pot on the ballot & Vote.


smokinjoe's mission is to educate the public, exercise his right to  freedom of speech and free the weed..since the dawn of time man has been engaged in the use of drugs,spiritually or medically,man has benefited from the use of drugs.Among these marijuana is one of the most natural, oldest useful plants man has known.

Known by many names ,hemp has been smoked and grown by men whom have held the U.S Presidency,our highest offices but these facts go little known.Hemp has been categorized with harder more addicting drugs and politicians allowed the judicial branch to impose stiff penalties over a drug that has been labeled a kiddy drug by some of the highest levels of Our D.E.A..
The prohibition of alcohol was repealed and as we look back it was a stupid law and one day man will learn the truth and free the weed   

now with mp3 audio..

Get your ear's on?


smokinjoe say's: "puff,puff, pass,don't park on the grass".

Dillon say's:"everybody must get stoned".

Clinton say's:"but I never inhaled"

Buffet say"s" I've smoked my share of grass"


smokinjoe needs You !

mirror this sight,
spread the word,
free the weed.
plant a seed.


Just Ask Joe

Question : what are drug's and what is their history ?
Answer: Drug's are generally defined as a chemical agent used for the cure ,treatment or prevention of any disease,ailment,pain,anxiety.

Drugs have been around since Adam and Eve & Marijuana with it's byproduct's are concidered another gift of God for the benifit of man.
Governments classify drugs in numerous way's:
legal drugs- illegal drugs , hard drugs-kiddy drugs, over the counter drugs-perception drugs,addictive non addictive,and so on,and so on......
Beer,wine & tobacco have all been illegal at one point in time or another,by one culture or another,but most cultures have now accept this practice.
Should we incarserate or persucute adult's who wish to indulge ?

History show's That mentality does not work,and may further the problem's of socity.   Law enforment now uses these Law's to seaz the consumers personal property and have no interest in decriminalization ,and then theres the dealer who's gonna make money giving the people what thay want.Unfortunatly thay may also be armed and use corruption in thier quest to make money.Would this die out with the decriminalization of marijuana? No there will alway's be other drug's ,but there would be more resorces to address those problems ,once thay Free the weed.

HELP LEGALIZE ,DECRIMINALIZE,popularize,JOIN SMOKINJOE  and puff puff pass don't park on the grass!!!

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